Jaime Kozlowski is a 22 year-old student, web developer, philospoher, yogi, outdoors woman, friend, daughter, and Sagittarius... the epitome of a multi-purpose person. She lives in Sarasota, FL and currently attends Manatee Community College & the University of South Florida. Not quite sure what to major in, but intrests include psychology, sociology, philosophy, history, and computers.

You can find her sparatic musings on domspe.org

She works very hard at her job, a wonderland of fine judaic art: MP Artworks.

She works less hard on her friend's site FreePoets.com because he doesn't pay her & the "labour of love" thing only goes so far. *wink*

She is also an avid fan of Friendster.com - a wacky wild place, it is three degrees of seperation heaven. you too can be her friendster!

She is currently indulging in Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
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Home ~ Introduction: Origins Unknown ~ Commerce & Social Structure ~ Obsession with Death ~ Scandalous Pleasures
Artistic Influences & Identity ~ Language in Art ~ Conclusion: Disappearing Culture ~ Works Cited ~ About the Author

© 2004 Jaime Kozlowski ~ domspe.org