thanks for stopping by! you have stumbled on my semester paper for my general psychology class. as an only child, i thought it would be interesting to explore the research conducted on only children, birth order and affects on adult life. as usual, i am over zealous with most everything i do and went overboard on this paper. the result is a lengthy, yet intersting analysis - it certainly taught me plenty about myself, way more than i expected! :o)
-Abstract - basic jist of what the dilly with the paper is all about.
-Introduction - exploration of the topic: reasearch, generalizations, observations and unknown aspects.
-Article Summary 1: Birth Order and
Relationships - Friends, Family and Sexual Partners
-Article Summary 2: "I Always
Knew Mom and Dad Loved Me Best":
Experiences of Only children
-Article Summary 3: Gender and birth order as determinants of parental behaviour
-Article Summary 4: Linking birth order to Political Leadership: The Impact of Parents and Siblings?
-Article Summary 5: The Relationship of Multidimensional Perfectionism to Psychological Birth Order
-Community Visit Summary: a visit to explore community agencies that deal with the topic.
-Summary - last general points and conclusions.
-References - where to find more info, citation information.